What to Know About Nitrogen-Filled Tires

April 30th, 2020
Keeping your tires properly inflated is a key to getting the maximum fuel efficiency from your vehicle. Properly inflated tires also reduce tread wear, improve your car’s stopping distance, and decrease the chances of a blowout. Nitrogen-filled tires are said to have the benefit of keeping your tires inflated longer than the standard compressed air tires. The air in your tires eventually escape through the tire’s inner liner, but nitrogen-filled tires take a longer time. Nitrogen Filled Tires
Routine maintenance is critical to long tire life, and proper tire pressure will ensure the good health of your tires. The greatest benefit that nitrogen-filled tires are said to provide is keeping your vehicle’s tires inflated longer, which saves you money at the pump. Even so, researchers have conclud ...[more]
  Tags: tires
  Posted in: Tires 101

How to Know You Need a Wheel Alignment

April 16th, 2020
Wheel alignment is the process of adjusting the angles of the wheels on your vehicle to the specifications of your vehicle manufacturer. When your vehicle was built, the wheels were perfectly positioned to the manufacturer’s ideal specifications, but over time your vehicle loses its alignment. Misalignment issues can lead to serious safety and performance issues and costly repairs. A wheel alignment service will optimize the various angles of your wheels to each other, and to the road. Wheel Alignments
Aligning your wheels requires the vehicle to be placed on a wheel alignment machine. This machine uses specific measurements to allow the technician to set and adjust the suspension components back to the factory specifications. The common alignment angles are camber, caster, and toe. These angles become misali ...[more]
  Tags: auto repair
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101